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Showing 23 of 23 results

Kat Naish

  1. Patients and Caregivers
  2. Patient Contributors
Kat has lived with MS and its mental health related ups and downs for over half a decade She loves to write and is passionate about photography

Willeke Van Eeckhoutte

  1. Patients and Caregivers
  2. Patient Contributors
Willeke Van Eeckhoutte is a writer and a voluntary disability awareness advocate living with cardiovascular disease CVD and multiple sclerosis MS

More Children vs My Health Why MS Changed My Mind about Expanding My Family

  1. Patients and Caregivers
  2. Life Effects
Kat Naish explores why she changed her mind about having a second child after her multiple sclerosis MS diagnosis

What are Biologics and Biosimilars

  1. Home
  2. News and Media
  3. Feature Stories
We explain the difference between biologics and biosimilars and showcase Teva s innovative work in this space