How I Rekindled Intimacy Despite Prostate Cancer

Couple holding hands on beach at sunset striving for emotional and physical intimacy after cancer treatment.
Getty Images / shapecharge

Loss of interest in sex or sexual dysfunction may linger after treatment for prostate cancer. Todd Seals shares how he overcame his intimacy challenges.

No matter the diagnosis or prognosis, prostate cancer changes a man. Prostate cancer treatments can negatively affect people’s romantic lives.

Weight gain, fatigue, and depression are serious issues for many prostate cancer patients. In my opinion, none of these cut as deep as a loss as intimacy.

In all honesty, I struggled to write this article. I was worried about the content. I wanted it to be factual. I wanted it to be real. I researched clinical data, and I read about statistics. Yet nothing helped.

Intimacy issues cannot be explained with data and statistics. Intimacy is of the heart. I decided that simply sharing my story was the best way to help other men.

The start of a relationship and a cancer diagnosis

I met my wife 6 months before my diagnosis. I was sick at the time but didn’t know it yet.

I’m a guitarist and lead vocalist in a club band in the Pacific Northwest. Mandy came to hear us during the weekend of my 42nd birthday. We’ve been together since.

We don’t believe in love at first sight. It was a slow burn for us, but it didn’t take long to realize that we’d rather spend time with each other than with anyone else.

Our friendship grew into something much deeper. We fell head over heels for each other. As our love grew, so did our passion. It was a wonderful 6 months.

I didn’t know much about prostate cancer, except that my grandpa had it. I guess I thought it was an older man’s disease. I learned from Grandpa that a prostate cancer diagnosis meant the end of physical intimacy. But it bothered me to think of Grandpa and Grandma that way, anyway.

I was diagnosed with terminal cancer in June 2006. My doctors told me I’d never be cured and that surgery and radiation were not options.

The only treatment option I had was androgen deprivation, which lowers the amount of testosterone made in the testicles. Lower testosterone levels can affect the body, including hot flashes, weight gain, mood swings, and reduced libido.

I loved Mandy, but I told her we should break off our relationship after the diagnosis. I tried to explain to her how things would change. She didn’t care. She loved me.

The toll of hormone treatments

I received my first testosterone-suppressing shot on the day of my diagnosis. I experienced my first symptoms within a week. I had hot flushes. I began to lose hair on my torso. My libido began to wane. Erectile dysfunction was not far behind.

Testosterone plays an essential role in men’s bodies. It’s why most men have thicker bones and heavier muscle mass than women. It’s responsible for facial hair and sperm production and the driving force behind most men’s strong libido.

Despite my diagnosis and treatments, Mandy and I were determined not to let physical intimacy die. We tried everything, but none of the prescription medications worked for us. It seems you have to have a libido for them to work.

Each failure we experienced became a brick in the wall that was being built between us. Eventually, I didn’t even want to try. Intimacy was dying.

Luckily, we had a few successes during that first year. They gave us hope. They kept us going.

Mandy married me a year after my diagnosis. She said the lack of intimacy didn’t bother her.

But over time, she realized that she was lying to herself. At night she would cry in her sleep. I could see the hurt in her eyes when she looked at me. She loved me. But, inside, she felt unattractive, unwanted, and unneeded.

Stumbling into a solution

We finally found a medication that worked a few years into our marriage. It wasn’t a perfect solution, but it was a start. It was mechanical, but at least we could share physical love.

We went on our first real vacation in 2012, 6 years after my diagnosis. We were really excited to spend 7 days together in the Caribbean.

It was supposed to be a romantic getaway. Somehow in the excitement of leaving the house, I forgot to pack the rocket fuel.

Amanda was upset, but we decided to make the best of it.

One evening as we walked along the deck looking out at the ocean, I was overwhelmed by my love for this remarkable woman. I was filled with desire, and we had a fantastic night together.

Mandy and I no longer require medication. It’s been 8 years.

What happened? What changed?

I don’t have a definitive answer to what changed that night. All I really have are theories and speculation.

Last week I had some bloodwork done. My testosterone level is undetectable. Yet, I still have a libido and sexual function.

What I think: Seven years ago, I stopped living in my head and turned my focus outward. I concentrated on how deeply I love my wife. I stopped worrying about whether my body was going to function.

By focusing on emotional love rather than physical love, we somehow experienced both. It’s been that way ever since.

Things are not perfect between us. Physical intimacy is still not what we wish it could be. But the love we feel for each other more than makes up for it. If we can do it, I’m sure others can too.

No one solution works for everybody. Medication might work for some men. Other men may find that intimacy is rewarding in different forms.

I wrote this article to give hope to other couples that they can restore physical intimacy in their relationship despite prostate cancer.

The information presented is solely for educational purposes, not as specific advice for the evaluation, management, or treatment of any condition.

The individual(s) who have written and created the content in and whose images appear in this article have been paid by Teva Pharmaceuticals for their contributions. This content represents the opinions of the contributor and does not necessarily reflect those of Teva Pharmaceuticals. Similarly, Teva Pharmaceuticals does not review, control, influence or endorse any content related to the contributor's websites or social media networks. This content is intended for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered medical advice or recommendations. Consult a qualified medical professional for diagnosis and before beginning or changing any treatment regimen. 

NPS-ALL-NP-00881 MARCH 2023

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