Terry authored the award-winning books, "The Queen of Distraction" and "Survival Tips for Women with AD/HD." She also created an online resource serving adults worldwide with ADHD and an online coaching program for women with ADHD.
She has been interviewed and quoted widely in such media as NPR, The Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, US News and World Report, Newsday, and more.
"Like many adults who learn of their own ADHD after their child has been diagnosed with it, I too found out I had ADHD while searching for help for my daughter. She had been diagnosed with it (and other special needs) when she was four years old, and I was in my early 40s.
"I'd grown up being disorganized, overwhelmed, distracted, and unable to finish projects. Yet, I was able to earn two college degrees! So how could I possibly have ADHD?
"From reading the very few books available on the topic back in the early 1990s, I was convinced that it was time to get evaluated. By then, I had hit the wall, raising two young and highly active children (my life was quite chaotic then). Once I got the diagnosis, I had my life's biggest 'Aha!' moment so far.
"It all fits into place after that. With proper treatment, support, and an understanding of how my brain works, my life improved so dramatically that I chose a new life path. I was driven to help others find their way to a happier, more productive life by guiding them on their ADHD journey.
"I started a private psychotherapy practice that later shifted to helping adults online at my website. I also volunteered for major ADHD organizations, began presenting at national/international conferences, wrote hundreds of articles, and published two books on women with ADHD.
"I've never been happier or more content now that I understand how my brain works and how to manage my ADHD symptoms."
The information presented is solely for educational purposes, not as specific advice for the evaluation, management, or treatment of any condition.