Olivia Fulton

Olivia Fulton

Olivia is a patient, former nurse and Patient and Public Involvement Lead at the Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research.

  • Location: Scotland, UK

About Olivia

Olivia is a patient, former nurse and Patient and Public Involvement Lead at the Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research (AUKCAR). She originally studied Sports Science, but her severe asthma prevented a career in sport.

After changing to a career in nursing this was also stopped short due to severe life-threatening asthma. Volunteering with AUKCAR Olivia has been involved in collaborating with researchers, reviewing lay summaries and PhD proposals.

Olivia also facilitates SPEAK Asthma, which is the children and young persons’ group attached to AUKCAR to ensure that the voices of children and young people are heard. She is also a member of the Chief Scientist Office Public Engagement Group.

Olivia shares her experience of living life with severe, life-threatening asthma on her blog and raises awareness about how severe asthma can be.