Learning How to Manage My Heart Health in Times of Grief

Woman in group grief counseling after a loss
Getty Images/PeopleImages

"Stress and grief can impact how we sleep, eat, and exercise. While these may slide down the priority list when grieving, remember that your heart can only handle so much,” says Willeke Van Eeckhoutte. Today, Willeke shares how self-care, therapy, and adhering to her doctor’s advice helped her manage her heart health during a period of intense grief.  

Earlier this year, a close family member passed away at the age of 86. Then, two months ago, I lost my dog, who was only three and a half years old. Both losses have deeply affected me, and their impact lingers on. When a loved one passes away, it's important to turn some focus toward our health. Emotional stress can be harmful, especially for those with heart conditions like me.

Heartbeats are remarkable. The first time you hear your baby's heartbeat during an ultrasound or feel your puppy's chest rise and fall, you realize you have an exciting journey ahead of you. You become a guardian of life, responsible for nurturing and caring for another. But when the shared road ahead has obstacles or comes to an end for one of us, we may forget that we need to look after ourselves, too.  

The age-old adage of prioritizing your own well-being before caring for others holds true, especially in times of difficulty. I want to emphasize the importance of self-care because I've faced bereavement and major life changes more than once. I refuse to let the hard-earned wisdom I've gained go to waste.

How can grief affect our heart health?

Grieving is a necessary part of being human. Still, the stress of grief can lead to serious health issues, such as heart problems and strokes. In turn, the upheaval in your daily routine can lead to psychological self-neglect and a weakened immune system.

So, don't be afraid to reach out for support when you feel overwhelmed. For those of us who have pre-existing heart issues, grief and bereavement can affect our cardiovascular health even more.

Emotional stress affects our self-care, which then affects our heart health

Stress and grief can impact how we sleep, eat, and exercise. While these may slide down the priority list when grieving, remember that your heart can only handle so much. 

Woman trying anxiety-soothing meditation technique with her dog

Related story:

How Tachycardia Pushed Me to Make Heart-Healthy Lifestyle Changes  

Intense feelings of bereavement can lead to increased levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline. Continually high levels of these hormones may raise our blood pressure and heart rate and increase the risk of arrhythmias. In turn, the flood of stress hormones can worsen anxiety, making healthy coping strategies even more necessary for the good of our health.

Can unresolved grief affect chronic illnesses?

If you have a weakened immune system due to multiple sclerosis (MS) like I do, symptoms of infections and inflammation may appear faster and more intensely. Stress is often a big trigger for MS flare-ups.

When my elderly aunt passed away, she had lived a long and fulfilled life dedicated to helping others. At eighty-four, she became a resident in a different home, where she passed away peacefully. The heartache of her loss was enormous, and the emotional stress began to take a toll on my health.

Then, quite unexpectedly, my dog passed away two months ago due to epilepsy. He hadn’t even turned four. This loss intensified the existing grief and emotional turmoil I was experiencing. My dog wasn't only a friend and companion – he was my therapy dog who helped me deal with MS.

Grief > Declining heart health > Chronic illness flares > Declining mental health

Compounded grief caused my heart to race, which exacerbated my cardiac arrhythmia issues. Then, like a line of falling dominoes, prolonged stress and ailing heart health caused me to have an MS relapse.

As my physical health declined, I realized I was more likely to feel depressed and isolated. I knew I needed to talk to my doctor about these issues and, if needed, get help from a mental health therapist.

My doctor advised me to try some coping strategies to help me manage strong emotions like anger and helplessness. This is important for reducing the risk of further heart problems, especially as I live alone.

Related story:

How I Use Self-Care with MS to Stave Off Bouts of Depression

Grief management for our hearts and overall health

Grief is a testament to the depth of our love for someone. But remember that your loved one would want you to cherish your health! Healthy coping strategies like mindfulness, yoga, nutritious eating, and good sleep habits can improve heart health and support your mental well-being, even in the hardest times.

Consistent exercise and sleep habits can be challenging due to my MS, but I've learned how to cope with grief healthily. My symptoms serve as essential signals that guide me during tough times.

I prioritize managing my heart condition by following the same guidelines mentioned above. I hope this message can help others in similar situations to take charge of their health. After all, you only live once, and everyone deserves a bright, healthy future.

The information presented is solely for educational purposes, not as specific advice for the evaluation, management, or treatment of any condition.

The individual(s) who have written and created the content and whose images appear in this article have been paid by Teva Pharmaceuticals for their contributions. This content represents the opinions of the contributor and does not necessarily reflect those of Teva Pharmaceuticals. Similarly, Teva Pharmaceuticals does not review, control, influence, or endorse any content related to the contributor's websites or social media networks. This content is intended for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered medical advice or recommendations. Consult a qualified medical professional for diagnosis and before beginning or changing any treatment regimen.


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