Dealing with Brain Fog and Migraine

Woman dealing with brain fog stares blearily into a mug of coffee
Getty Images / Demearre

Migraine brain fog can last for hours or even days after an attack. Here’s how one woman with migraine cuts through the haze.

Imagine driving through thick fog at night, inching towards a destination that is just out of sight. This is what “brain fog” feels like, a symptom that often accompanies migraine. Brain fog can make it hard to focus, and cause difficulty with comprehension, speech, memory, concentration, and clarity.

After a migraine attack one day, I woke up with what felt like a hangover. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and promptly returned my milk to the cabinet and cereal to the refrigerator. Wait, what? I was unable to complete the simple task of making breakfast and putting the two ingredients back where they belong. It was like my brain wasn’t functioning correctly, and my mind wouldn’t turn on.

After this, I walked into my family room and forgot why I was there. I knew I was in there to do something, but the fog in my brain was so thick that I couldn’t remember why. I was confused, forgetful, and easily distracted. Most of all, I was frustrated.

Why couldn’t I make breakfast? What was I doing and why couldn’t I remember? Migraine brain fog is more than just being tired or having something slip my mind. It can last for minutes, hours, or days, and can happen before, during, or after a migraine. Plus, it differs with each migraine attack.

Despite all of this, I still need to go to work, take care of my family, and deal with life. Here’s how I prepare for brain fog, and how I fight through it.

Be aware

Brain fog can be related to other health conditions or be a symptom of another disease. These can be either mild or life-threatening conditions and should be discussed with a doctor. Don’t rule out brain fog as only a migraine-related issue. Speak with your doctor about other health conditions that you think may be related to brain fog.

Write things down

I write everything down on paper or in my phone. I make to-do lists because this makes me feel accomplished when I can check a task off. When I’m in meetings, I use the record function on my phone so that I can review it later. Also, I use calendar reminders, timers, and notifications on my phone to make sure that I remember events and times.

Give yourself enough time

My calendar reminders are set to give myself plenty of time. With these reminders, I’ll give myself extra time to travel, get ready for an appointment, or reply to an email with enough time to think and rethink the message. Giving myself extra time allows me to do things twice (if needed) and helps me not feel stressed when brain fog is slowing me down.

Be organized

I always try to put things away in the same spot. Pick up some organizational bins, drawers, and files for at home or at work. Doing so will help you navigate brain fog and take the guess work out of finding what you need.

Ask for help

Tell your family and friends that you’re experiencing brain fog. It can decrease any embarrassment you feel, and in turn, your family and friends may offer a helping hand that you didn’t even know you needed.

I often give my daughter a list of errands that we’re going to run and let her know what we’re getting. She is amazing at recalling what we’re doing, and feels so helpful when she is able to help clear the fog in my mind.

Accept it

Understand that brain fog is a part of living with migraine. It can be a sign that a migraine is approaching or that you’re recovering from a migraine. In both cases, you should be gentle with yourself and forgive any guilt that you feel. Make recovering from the migraine a priority.


Sometimes, there’s nothing to do but laugh. When I realized that I put the milk in the cabinet, I was confused about how I did it and angry that I’d done it, but I forgave myself and laughed. Then, I told my husband and laughed again.

The takeaway

Migraine and brain fog often go hand in hand. Difficulty focusing and remembering things can make it hard to get through your daily tasks. Even if brain fog persists for longer than you hoped it would, there are workarounds that can help you get through it.

The information presented is solely for educational purposes, not as specific advice for the evaluation, management, or treatment of any condition.

The individual(s) who have written and created the content in and whose images appear in this article have been paid by Teva Pharmaceuticals for their contributions. This content represents the opinions of the contributor and does not necessarily reflect those of Teva Pharmaceuticals. Similarly, Teva Pharmaceuticals does not review, control, influence or endorse any content related to the contributor's websites or social media networks. This content is intended for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered medical advice or recommendations. Consult a qualified medical professional for diagnosis and before beginning or changing any treatment regimen. 

NPS-ALL-NP-00916 APR 2023

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