
Healthy Future, Teva’s sustainability strategy, guides how we care for people, the planet and our business—because they are all connected. Addressing global challenges and supporting our communities, while ensuring our business success, allows us to continue providing medicines to the millions of patients around the world who count on us.

We hold ourselves accountable.

man-meeting-or-excedding-icon.png Meeting or exceeding
bold targets and setting the bar
higher with new ones
number-one-icon.png largest issuer of sustainability-linked bonds
in the pharma sector and second largest in the world (total issuance: $7.5B), connecting sustainability commitments and progress to our business strategy



doses of medicine
donated to
people in need

single-capsule-illustration.png= 10M doses


access to medicines
programs launched,
providing treatments to
underserved populations
(of 8 committed by 2025)


in savings from Teva’s
generic medicines
across 20 countries


of management
positions held
by women


solar-renewable-energy-illustration.png 43%
of Teva’s electricity
comes from renewable
sources, targeting
100% by 2035
cloud-emission-reduction-illustration.png 27%
reduction in scope 1 and 2
greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions (vs. 2019), exceeding
our 2025 target two years
ahead of schedule
cloud-emission-reduction-illustration-blue-arrow.png 12%
reduction in scope 3
GHG emissions (vs. 2020),
tracking strongly against
our 2030 target
green-plant-illustration.png Aim to achieve
net zero
emissions by 2045



of employees are comfortable reporting misconduct, 11% more than benchmarked companies


of targeted active employees participated in compliance and ethics trainings


of significant suppliers evaluated on sustainability topics


Top 3%
in EcoVadis sustainable procurement

BSI-logo.png 1 of first 2 companies to receive the
product-level British Standards Institution (BSI) certification for responsible manufacturing practices that minimize antimicrobial resistance risk
PSCI.png Active member of the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI), a coalition of pharmaceutical and healthcare companies that share a vision of better
social, environmental and economic
CDP logo A- Climate score and B Water score from CDP, a non-profit that helps companies disclose environmental impact
sbti logo GHG emissions near-term reduction
targets (scope 1, 2 and 3) validated by
Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
emas logo iso-14001-iso-45001 Global Environment, Health and Safety Management System aligned with international standards, including ISO 14001, 45001 and EMAS
star-achivement-illustration.png Our progress is being recognized.

Improved score in 4 key ESG ratings

(vs. 2022) MSCI, Sustainalytics, ISS, EcoVadis

Best Healthcare Company for Sustainability Reporting

from ESG Investing Awards

Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative of the Year

from Global Generics and Biosimilars Awards

Healthy Future is our purpose in practice: we are all in for better health.
Learn more in our 2023 Healthy Future Report.

Data from 2023 unless otherwise noted.