Our ESG Progress: Four Employee Perspectives


Our ESG Progress: Four Perspectives

Each year, we issue a report highlighting our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) progress. This report reflects our efforts to improve the health of patients and communities and promote transparency and accountability across our business.

Our 2019 report shows how we serve our patients through our quality medicines and programs, support the health and well-being of our people, put protocols in place to ensure compliance and ethical conduct and protect our planet. We asked four of our leaders to explain why these areas are critical to Teva and reflect on notable progress from 2019. Below is what they shared.

$246 M worth of medicines donated to patientsOur Patients: Byron Austin, Director, ESG and Global Health

“As the world’s largest generics manufacturer, we don’t just have an opportunity to serve patients around the world—it’s our responsibility. We deliver quality medicines to underserved communities in our established markets and resource-constrained geographies where we don’t have a business presence. Patients are at the heart of what we do.”

When I visited the Volunteers in Medicine clinics we support, I was heartened to see how they address disparities in our healthcare system and help improve the health of patients who, otherwise, would not be able to access the quality healthcare they need and deserve.”

19,200 + employees acknowledged in first year of global recognition program

Our People: Yonatan Vitman, Head of Total Rewards

“Our people are what make Teva such a great company—one that contributes to a better life for 200 million patients. It’s important to us that our people feel valued and appreciated as they do the important work of providing quality treatments across the globe. 

The launch of the global STARS recognition program was a true milestone for Teva. The platform allows all employees at all levels to recognize anyone in the company, inspiring a culture of appreciation.

Our Protocols: Eder Morales, Head of Global Procurement Governance & Risk Management

“Delivering a sustainable supply of quality medicines to patients is at the core of what we do. We do so ethically and with integrity, and we expect the same of our suppliers as we look to ensure a continuous and sustainable supply of our medicines. 

Our Global Procurement team has continued to roll out our Supplier Code of Conduct, increasing our coverage and driving improvements across our supply chain. We continue to assess our suppliers’ sustainability practices and deliver information to regulators, customers and industry associations in a timely manner.”

New suppliers under EcoVadis disk mitigation framework, which helps monitor supply chain sustainability

Our Planet: Richard Pickup, Vice President, Environment, Health, Safety and Sustainability

“By operating responsibly and minimizing our environmental footprint, we positively impact our communities and contribute to broader improvements in global health. Using natural resources responsibly and minimizing waste helps reduce the cost to manufacture our medicines and allows us to bring more treatments to more people in more countries at affordable prices. 

In 2019, we significantly reduced our Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions and met our interim reduction target a year ahead of schedule. We also made strides in assessing our antimicrobial material discharge, contributing to our improvement on the 2020 Access to Medicine Foundation AMR Benchmark.”

Reduced: greenhouse gas emissions by 17% from 2017; total waste by 13% from 2018; total energy consumption by 6% from 2018

As our world faces unprecedented health challenges, we will continue to advance our efforts in these areas and use our footprint, expertise and resources to make a lasting impact.

[1] WAC

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