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  3. Changing Perceptions: My Top 5 ADHD Advocates

Changing Perceptions: My Top 5 ADHD Advocates

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ADHD is misunderstood, writes Nerris Nassiri. These advocates portray ADHD in a beautifully complex light.

How often have you seen a movie or TV show with a scatterbrained hyperactive character? Heard neurotypical people call moments of forgetfulness being “soooo ADD”?

ADHD is widely misunderstood and oversimplified. It’s an incredibly complex condition. And we’re not discussing it enough in the right ways.

Here are a few ADHD advocates who portray ADHD in a beautifully complex light:

Eric Tivers

Eric Tivers is a licensed clinical social worker, therapist, and coach. His podcast, ADHD reWired, touches on common struggles of having ADHD.

Eric’s style is fun and conversational so us easily distracted folk can keep up. Topics include sleeping, preventing burnout, and advocating for yourself. It features live Q&A sessions with experts in the field and interviews with everyday people with ADHD.

Podcasts are one of my favorite hacks for people who struggle to process information. Listening to podcasts helps me absorb the content more easily than reading. Imagine how much you could learn if you listened to an informative 60-minute podcast every day for a year!

Salif Mahamane

Is ADHD really dysfunctional? Or are people with ADHD fish out of water? Salif Mahamane asks this question in one of my favorite Ted Talks about ADHD, “ADHD Sucks, But Not Really.” He’s a psychology professor and doctoral candidate with ADHD.

Salif discusses how ADHD makes him a better person. He also doesn’t shy away from the struggles. “Yeah, it does suck,” he says.

He discusses how society makes life harder for people with ADHD and the mental health implications. We can rebel by loving ourselves, he concludes.

Cristina Margolis

I’ve found that many parents use online groups to vent about their children with ADHD. I understand the stresses of having a child with ADHD. I personally don't find it productive to wallow and complain.

Cristina Margolis writes about having a child and a husband with ADHD on her website, My Little Villagers. She puts a beautiful, positive spin on having an ADHD child.

My Little Villagers has book suggestions, toys for fidgeting, and study aids. Cristina even started a pen pal program so children with ADHD can write to each other. She’s a shining example of parental advocacy for ADHD.

Jessica McCabe

No list of ADHD advocates would be complete without everyone’s favorite ADHD YouTuber, Jessica McCabe. Her How to ADHD YouTube channel is a one-stop shop for her “brains,” or people with ADHD. It has over 140 videos with 14 million views.

Be careful! Once you visit, you’ll watch for hours!

Jessica also has a Ted Talk, “Failing at Normal.” Her website has articles for people with ADHD, family members, and spouses.

Other people doing incredible work include speaker and director Stephen Tonti and Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright, the hosts of Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast. There are many more!

The people on this list are spreading awareness for ADHD every day and showing that each person’s experience is unique. Sharing stories like theirs not only offers support to those of us living with ADHD, but also gives the rest of the world a brief glimpse into what our lives are like. Information is a powerful tool and can help reduce stigma and stereotyping — that’s the hope, at least! Thanks to every ADHD advocate. They help to shed light on this beautifully complex condition.

For more information on how to manage ADHD, reach out to your doctor or healthcare team.

The individual(s) who have written and created the content in and whose images appear in this article have been paid by Teva Pharmaceuticals for their contributions. This content represents the opinions of the contributor and does not necessarily reflect those of Teva Pharmaceuticals. Similarly, Teva Pharmaceuticals does not review, control, influence or endorse any content related to the contributor's websites or social media networks. This content is intended for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered medical advice or recommendations. Consult a qualified medical professional for diagnosis and before beginning or changing any treatment regimen. 

ADHD-US-NP-00062 May 2021

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